

新たな「育成就労制度」実習生と受け入れ側の理解基づくか焦点 | NHK | 技能実習生
“Gino jisshu seido”(technical intern training system), which allows foreigners to work and learn skills in Japan, has been criticized for human rights violations. Consequently, the Japanese government expert panel has compiled a final report proposing the abolition of the current system.
According to this report, a new “Ikusei shurou seido” (development and employment system) will be established. It fundamentally aims to develop skills to a certain standard within three years, restricting the types of jobs to those requiring specialized knowledge, similar to “Tokutei gino seido“ (specific skill system), in fields like caregiving, construction, and agriculture.
Furthermore, “changing” companies will be permitted under certain conditions. If an individual has worked for over a year and has acquired a certain level of skill and Japanese language proficiency, they can change companies within the same field.
For more details about Ikusei shurou seido, please refer to the URL below (the website is in Japanese)
新たな「育成就労制度」実習生と受け入れ側の理解基づくか焦点 | NHK | 技能実習生
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